when belly is half of the bed

We have long discussions in bed, before sleeping. She tries very hard to speak in German and Romanian. She mixes words from both languages in one sentence, when there is a sentence. My partner speaks mostly German and I speak Romanian with Erica. However, in her own language, which is funny sometimes, she lately constantly tells me the belly occupies her territory,  in bed.  

Tomorrow my mother will come to help  us, while I am in labor and in the hospital. She sees my mother very often on video calls but I always translate what she says in German. This time, in some moments, it will be just the two of them. Hope they will make it with body language, when German doesn't help and Romanian is not enough. 

To quote Erica about her sister "bebe raus, mama pot tot"  - translation "when bebe comes out, mama can do all" 

Are your children speaking the same language as their grandparents? If not, how did they make it? 


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