the struggle and joyfullnes

 The chance to play as much as I want, without feeling that I lose my time with important things as an adult, to make so many silly things with Erica is among the reasons that I truly enjoy in being a mother. I  could have done those of course without having my child around but it's not as fun as when you share the laughter and the complicity with her.  The silliest I get the more she likes it.

These days we saw in a book with kindergarten and some children have birds noses and we made as well, a few of them. Actually she wants them now almost every day. 

In Corona times, I feel that if you are not creative and silly  yourself but also your's impossible to make it through. Whenever Erica gets bored, she starts to pretend that she bakes a cake.

I speak about sillyness and happiness, which I admit I sometimes force myself to bring them outside. Erica has a sort of a skin irritation while  I am stressed with the imminent labor. I just wish she gets better until I start having the labors' contractions. 

I love my girls, for the moment, one - outside, the other one - inside. I push myself everyday that none of them feels my inner struggle. 

What was the silliest thing you did with your child last year, in Corona time, out of boredness ?


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