First Haircut

This is Erica's big first haircut... She was so into putting her long hair into her mouth most of the times. The ends of her hair was almost all the time wet and.... in the end I asked her if she wants her hair shorter.  She said "yes, like Ava" (like her little sister). I don't think she would have liked that short. So I asked a few days in a road if the really would like that and she said yes! We went to the hair salon, she staid like a stone for 30 minutes while her hair was cut and then in the end she smiled and we laughed, when we went out. I think it was more me, who suffered after her long Mowgli hair. We went on with our day, we went to Wannsee, to sunbathe. Later in the evening, when we returned, after washing her hair, she looked long at her face and how she looks with this hairdo and she gave herself a kiss, sayig "I love you Erica". 

I like from Louise Hay, the working with the mirror and I have done them with Erica since she exists. The mirrors are so low down in the room, so she can see herself from 3 months old. I find it so important to love ourselves, no matter what, good or bad mood,  long or short hair. It's important for us adults but I think this starts from childhood. 

Erica, you are beautiful! Erica, I love you ! : ) 

Next time, I will record her!


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