Playground "1001 Nights"

Today we descovered one of the most beautiful playground in Berlin, really! Or I speak from Erica's reaction but also from what I have seen so far. We went initially to the Animal park at Hasenheide which they closed yesterday because of Corona and after I promised all the way in the car a playground, I was desperate to find one. I searched on map and it was this one in the middle of the park "1001 Nights Playground". It is really beautifully created/ designed and with a lot of climbing possibilities and for 2-3 years old toddlers. It's a bit far away from any entrance, or at least, this is how I felt carrying one baby and running after Erica, who was on her bycicle. 
It keeps me fit but I have a terrible back pain in the same time.

Tomorrow I start my regression classes / recover after giving birth ("rückbildungskurs" as it is called here). I feel I need it so badly. 



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