
Showing posts from March, 2021


Erica loves to be bare feet and recently we watched a documentary about this, about grounding.   I have never thought how important it is to have at least half an hour a day bare feet.  It is impossible to do this in winter but as spring is here, we can enjoy and fill up ourselves with the earth energy. Do you like to walk bare feet? p.s. this is the documentary:

her Sleep

Erica is back to kindergarten. For a few hours, I am only with Ava. It is more silence in the house and she can sleep longer and deeper. Ava laughs a lot and smiles.. very beautiful to see her flourishing from one day to another. Sometimes I don't have time to notice this. I have to pay attention to Erica always, not to do anything to the small one. This focus on both, takes away a lot of energy...

terrible 3, they say

The more I tell her to me more quiet, the louder she is. It is truly terrible sometimes, like they say, terrible 3. And not even 3 yet.  Sometimes my explanations are not enough, are not convincing her. Either her way or the highway.  I feel this starts to happen now, after Ava's birth quiet a lot No reaction, they they will not do it again Good luck with that! Quarantine for me was full of challenges!  How was it for you with children?

corona quarantine 7 days more

I didn't suffer from Corona as much as I suffered from the quarantine with two children for 14 days. We had very mild symptoms and we were lucky.  Erica really wants to play with Ava....but no chance for now.  She needs to be explained and to be told that she needs to wait a few more months. However she calls Ava all the sweet names possible in Romanian and in German and in the same time she finds it extremely funny to scare her. Erica comes on the tip of her feet to Ava, and then she starts to scream. I go crazy... Explanations, theories why not to do this. In the end what it worked out is to scare her in the same manner and to see why is not nice to do this to her smaller sister. 

calming down

I have learned this recently from my osteopath, to calm her down, putting her on one side and one hand on her chest and the other on her back. It really works well when she is a bit agitated. Sometimes I sing along "row row row your boat", our favorite children song. How do you calm down your baby ?


I speak with her but it is like she doesn't listen or as if I am not speaking at all... Should I shut up or going on in a different tone, or just keep telling her.  We went to the playground and I don't mind that she listens to the grass, even though everything is wet but moving further she started to do the same thing in dirt/ dust where might be broken glass as well. And then I start to panic and ask her to stop as it is not so safe...Nothing, no reaction... Then I tell her "look if you don't listen to me, then the consequences are these... she starts to listen and finally she stops from the dusty bath but with a big scream, cry. What would you in this situation?

Happy Women Day!!!

I have given birth to two girls, future women, future mothers, if they wish to be.  My dearest girls, I hope they will get along well. It is a sunny day and if I stay close to Giulia, next to her, then she can stay like this on the sofa, without Erica disturbing. I feel I am these days the protector of Ava.  How do you celebrate this day? Do you do anything special? 

reading to Ava, sisterhood

Erica pretended to read stories to Ava. I read stories every night to her and she reads them further to her sister.  As a quote would say "Reading to children means they will associate books with love & affection". Probably it is the same thing for Erica, this is how she shows further her love.  Do you read to your child at night? what books? Ericas' favorite are the ones with Winnie the Puuh...

working with Ava

Yesterday it was first time I photographed with Ava...  Erica was also with us, but with the babysitter at the playground. I was watching them from upstairs how they were playing.  I love my children and I love photography. I find it hard to split between them, to find the right balance, not to neglect one of my love. The stressful part was photographing, find angles and good light while Ava was searching for the right position in the portbebe. After 30 minutes, my friend said to me to just take her out, maybe she is too smashed. So for the rest of the photo session she staid on the sofa. Only at the very end, she started to cry.  Editing in the evening with her next to me, was like dessert, pleasant. I left her in the sleeping room with Erica, but she kept waking up, she needs to feel me closer to her...  At the very end of working, while transferring the photos, Erica woke up and cried after me... So I had to stop everything, take Ava, put her in her bed and take Erica in my arms. 


I am so tired, in the morning... My head is dizzy after breastfeeding all night. I just want to sleep. But Erica is super energic at 7 sharp. And she is sweet and smiling, laughing... Talking a lot