working with Ava

Yesterday it was first time I photographed with Ava... 

Erica was also with us, but with the babysitter at the playground. I was watching them from upstairs how they were playing. 

I love my children and I love photography. I find it hard to split between them, to find the right balance, not to neglect one of my love.

The stressful part was photographing, find angles and good light while Ava was searching for the right position in the portbebe. After 30 minutes, my friend said to me to just take her out, maybe she is too smashed. So for the rest of the photo session she staid on the sofa. Only at the very end, she started to cry. 

Editing in the evening with her next to me, was like dessert, pleasant. I left her in the sleeping room with Erica, but she kept waking up, she needs to feel me closer to her... 

At the very end of working, while transferring the photos, Erica woke up and cried after me... So I had to stop everything, take Ava, put her in her bed and take Erica in my arms. 


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