out of a great chaos, a new life will come soon

Expected the unexpected more the second time than the first time! I have never imagined myself a few years ago as a mother of two children. But here I am!

I got pregnant for the second time in April 2020, in full lockdown in Berlin and in a full family crises. I already had a daughter of 2 years at that time, Erica. And I was finally happy back in my body, after breastfeeding her for 18 months. 

Here I am 9 months later, after a long way. I feel this last year as being almost the hardest in my life. The pregnancy was 10 times more difficult than the firs one. 

I have been walking for 10 minutes to the gynecologist check up and I felt like an elephant. I can hardly move, I feel huge, it's so hard to be in my body. It feels like it's not mine anymore. I am very grateful that I will have another baby but.... the little one took fully over my "normally" small body. I breath in and breath out and count the hours, the days, until I get my body back. 

I will have another girl, my second girl!

Did you feel like a butterfly in the pregnancy? Or am I the only pregnant elephant? : )


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