Child Photo Tips
Usually at night, I am terrible tired and it takes me around 5 minutes to fall asleep. But it was one evening, when I just couldn't sleep. I guess I drank my afternoon coffee too late but however my head was full of things: photography, my children, my wish to speak about what I do and spinning in my head all in the same time. And this is how it came up the idea of speaking to mothers how to photograph their children. Why not? I wish to speak to other audience as well about documentary photography...but why not to start with mothers and with what I do right now most of my time I do photography, I do work and take different commissions, which I love but still in sooo much time I am with my children, playing, running with them, going to playground and always photographing them with my mobile camera. Therefor, that night before sleeping I wrote a small idea of what I will speak about photography with mobile camera to mothers, how they can improve their photography skill and o...