breastfeeding Ava

Because many reasons I guess, and among others the jealousy of Erica, exactly when I am breastfeeding, Ava started to drink less and not to gain so much weight. Non the less, I assume she is not a Buddha kid like her sister and  I was a skinny/ fit : ) baby as well. However, kindergarten being closed didn't help as well, with both girls together all the time. Every time I breastfeed Ava, Erica needs me, in the next second and if I don't pay attention to her needs right away, she starts to cry, to scream and in the end Ava would look after her, after the noise, or I have to stop the breastfeeding to make what Erica wants and then to return but at the return she doesn't want to eat anymore and so on...

However, the milk supply gets lower and lower if the baby doesn't eat properly and I was advised to pump milk in order to be able to continue to breastfeed and even to offer Ava what I pump, maybe she accepts it. In this manner I still have milk and she gets to drink it :) win win situation. But it would have been far too easy, this scenario. She doesn't want any bottle, I bought three types but she spits them out so badly and I do insist for several minutes up to the point she gets angry and starts to cry. When I stop, she smiles, so there is a very clear communication between us : ).

I went to the pharmacy to rent the Meleda electric milk pump and I was given only one set, for one breast, only one is paid by the insurance ( haha: ). I looked online and people are really selling second hand ones, I made the mistake of ordering one second hand but then I spoke with a another woman, then with a Certified Lactation counselor (never knew that this exist until now) and I was told never to use a second hand kit for pumping milk. Then I looked it up online and when I rent the electric pump I was also told from the pharmacy that you are the only person (you and your baby) to use the set. Nobody else should use it, even sterilized. Therefore, my question is why are women are selling their Medela kit milk pumping as second hand if they know is not ok? or they don't know this?

Please don't use the kit from an electric Medela milk pump second hand, it's not 100% safe for your baby.
Read before this !!


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