First smile

Ava started to smile. 

Ava was one month old on the 9th of February. By that time I noticed she smiles back at me, when she is awake. However, this were smiles before but in her sleep. 

Today Erica wanted, like every day to be next to her, to hold Ava in her arms and kiss her.Suddenly in their giggle Ava smiled beautifully. For one second I realised they look so much alike. Because until then, I didn't notice any resemblance. 
I thought Erica looks very much like her father and Ava has more my features (maybe)... Even though it's a bit early to realise this. Yet, today, both smiling, they look both like their father. 

I am with both of them, every single day and I find it hard to see so clear as an outsider, all these similarities? 

Do you see them at your children? 


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